1. Ce sunt Cookie-urile?
Cookie-ul este un fisier de mici dimensiuni, format din litere si numere, care va fi stocat pe computerul, terminalul mobil sau alte echipamente de pe care se acceseaza internetul.
Aceasta modalitate de stocare automata a datelor este foarte raspandita si se foloseste pentru a colecta informatii precum tipul de browser si sistemul de operare, pagina sursa, denumirea domeniului din care vizitatorul s-a conectat.
Cookie-ul este instalat prin solicitarea emisa de catre un web-server unui browser si va contine si ‘durata de viata’ a cookie-ului (pentru cat timp va ramane stocat), si o valoare, care este de obicei un numar unic generat la intamplare.
Nu contine programe software, virusi sau spyware si nu poate accesa informatiile de pe echipamentul utilizatorului.
2. Cum si de ce folosim cookie-uri?
Fisierele cookies nu permit identificarea personala. Cookies sunt folosite pentru a imbunatati utilizarea si functionalitatea site-ului si pentru a intelege mai bine modul in care vizitatorii il acceseaza.
Acestea permit o navigare rapida si eficienta intre pagini, memorarea alegerilor, optiunilor vizitatorilor, preferintele in materie de confidentialitate online, publicitate relevanta.
Cookie-urile pot fi utilizate de asemenea pentru a mari viteza viitoarelor activitati si experiente in cadrul site-urilor.
3. Tipuri de cookie-uri?
Exista 2 tipuri principale:
Cookie-uri de sesiune. Este cel mai comun tip de cookie fiind stocat temporar pana cand utilizatorul paraseste siteul respectiv sau inchide fereastra browserului. Acestea recunosc paginile accesate, inregistrarea articolelor adaugate intr-un cos de cumparaturi, etc.
Cookie-uri persistente (sau permanente). Acestea sunt stocate pe computerul sau dispozitivul care acceaseaza site-ul pentru o perioada care depinde de durata de viata prestabilita pentru cookie. Aceste tipuri de cookie-uri le includ si pe cele plasate de un alt website decat cel pe care il viziteaza utilizatorul la momentul respectiv – cunoscute sub numele de ‘third party cookies’ (cookieuri plasate de terti). De exempli, ele pot fi folosite in mod anonim pentru a memora interesele unui utilizator, astfel incat sa fie livrata publicitate cat mai relevanta pentru utilizatori.
4. Utilizarea modulelor cookie plasate la terti
Acest site nu utilizeaza module cookie proprii insa include de module de analiza trafic Google analytics si butoane de Addtoany,Facebook, Twitter, site-uri care introduc propriile cookies. Pentru mai multe detalii, va rugam sa accesati:
5. Cum pot modifica setarile mele cookie?
Puteti in orice moment modifica setarile dumneavoastra cookie. Cele mai multe navigatoare va informeaza cum sa opriti acceptarea de cookies, cum sa fiti notificat si cum sa dezactivati cookies-urile existente.
Anularea stocarii cookie-urile ar putea afecteze experienta dumneavoastra pe anumite site-urie, de exemplu s-ar putea sa nu puteti sa vizitati anumite zone ale unui site sau s-ar putea sa nu primiti informatii personalizate atunci cand vizitati anumite site-uri.
Browserele (navigatoarele web) ofera posibilitatea de a seta/dezactiva cookie-urile. Pentru a face acest lucru, in general, se acceseaza rubrica ‘optiuni’ (options) sau ‘preferinte’ (preferences).
Pentru mai multe detalii si sfaturi tehnice, va rugam sa accesati site-urile oficiale:
Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie settings in Safari
Daca doriti sa afli mai multe infromatii despre cookie-uri si la ce sunt utilizate aveti la dispozitie urmatoarele linkuri:
Microsoft Cookies guide
All About Cookies
Pentru setarile cookie-urilor generate de terti, puteti consulta si site-ul www.youronlinechoices.com/ro/
6. Securitate si chestiuni legate de confidentialitate
Cookie-urile NU sunt virusi! Cookie-urile pot fi totusi folosite pentru alte scopuri. Deoarece stocheaza informatii despre preferintele si istoricul de navigare al utilizatorilor, cookie-urile pot fi folosite ca o forma de Spyware. Acesta este si motivul pentru care multe produse anti-spyware marcheaza cookie-urile pentru a fi sterse in cadrul proceslor de stergere/scanare anti-virus/anti-spyware. In general browserele au integrate setari de confidentialitate care furnizeaza diferite nivele de acceptare a cookieurilor, perioada de valabilitate si stergere automata dupa ce utilizatorul a vizitat un anumit site.
Deoarece protectia identitatii reprezinta dreptul fiecarui utilizator de internet, este necesara cunoasterea tuturor aspectelor pe care le implica utilizarea si acceptarea de cookie-uri. Deoarece prin intermediul lor se transmit in mod constant informatii intre browser si website, un atacator sau persoana neautorizata poate intervini in parcursul de transmitere a datelor, informatiile continute de cookie putand fi interceptate.
Datorita flexibilitatii lor si a faptului ca majoritatea dintre cele mai vizitate site-uri si cele mai mari folosesc cookieuri, acestea sunt aproape inevitabile. Dezactivarea cookie-urilor nu va permite accesul utilizatorului pe site-urile ca Youtube, Gmail, Yahoo si altele.
Pentru mai multe detalii legate de publicitatea online si de probleme de confidentialitate, puteti accesa si urmatoarele linkuri:
IAB Europe
Updated: 30/06/2022, 08:25
What are cookies?
Cookies and similar technologies are very small text documents or pieces of code that often contain a unique identification code. When you visit a website or use a mobile application, a computer asks your computer or mobile device for permission to save this file on your computer or mobile device and gain access to information. Information collected through cookies and similar technologies may include the date and time of the visit and how you use a particular website or mobile application.
Why do we use cookies
Cookies make sure that during your visit of our online shop you remain logged in, all items remain stored in your shopping cart, you can shop safely and the website keeps running smoothly. The cookies also ensure that we can see how our website is used and how we can improve it. Furthermore, depending on your preferences our own cookies may be used to present you with targeted advertisements that match your personal interests.
What type of cookies do we use?
These cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. Some of the following actions can be performed by using these cookies.- Store articles in a shopping cart for online purchases- Save your cookie preferences for this website- Saving language preferences- Log in to our portal. We need to check whether you are logged in.
These cookies are used to gather statistical information about the use of our website, also called analytics cookies. We use this data for performance and website optimization.
These cookies enable more functionality for our website visitors. These cookies can be set by our external service providers or our own website. The following functionalities may or may not be activated when you accept this category.- Live chat services- Watch online videos- Social media sharing buttons- Login to our website with social media
How can I switch off or remove cookies?
You can choose to opt out of all but the necessary cookies. In the settings of the browser, you can change the settings to ensure that cookies will be blocked. Most browsers provide you with an explanation on how to do this in the so-called ‘help-function’. However, if you block the cookies, it is possible that you will not be able to enjoy all the technical features our website has to offer and it may negatively affect your user experience.
We have made it easy to manage your consents.
Change your consentWithdraw your consent
This is your unique id:
If you want to view your consents audit please contact the website administrator.
Your latest consent change has been registered on: 13/03/2024, 16:44
The cookies we use on our website
Updated: 30/06/2022, 08:25
Name Purpose Domain name Expiration time Provider Type
cookiefirst-consent This cookie saves your cookie preferences for this website. You can change these or withdraw your consent easily. rafi.ro a year Cookie First Cookie
cookiefirst-consent This cookie saves your cookie preferences for this website. You can change these or withdraw your consent easily. rafi.ro Persistent Cookie First Local storage
cookiefirst-id This cookie contains your unique ID so CookieFirst can identify unique visitors to this website. rafi.ro Persistent Cookie First Local storage
PHPSESSID Cookie generated by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general purpose identifier used to maintain user session variables. It is normally a random generated number, how it is used can be specific to the site, but a good example is maintaining a logged-in status for a user between pages. www.rafi.ro Session Cookie
Name Purpose Domain name Expiration time Provider Type
_ga Registers a unique ID for a website visitor to track how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics. Data transfer to third countries: USA. Google LLC. is certified under the Data Privacy Framework, indicating that your rights as a data subject can be guaranteed. .rafi.ro 2 years Google LLC. Cookie
_gat_***** The _gat_UA cookie is a variation of the Google Analytics _gat cookie. It is used to limit the collection of data on high-traffic websites. The cookie is set by the Google Analytics tracking code and it contains the unique ID of the tracking account or website to which it relates. The _gat_UA cookie is typically used to throttle the request rate, which means it limits the amount of data that Google Analytics can collect from the website. .rafi.ro a minute Google LLC Cookie
_gid Registers a unique ID for a website visitor to track how the visitor uses the website. The data is used for statistics. Data transfer to third countries: USA. Google LLC. is certified under the Data Privacy Framework, indicating that your rights as a data subject can be guaranteed. .rafi.ro a day Google LLC Cookie
Name Purpose Domain name Expiration time Provider Type
__atuvc This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. It stores an updated page share count. www.rafi.ro a year Cookie
__atuvs This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in websites to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms. This is believed to be a new cookie from AddThis which is not yet documented, but has been categorised on the assumption it serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service. www.rafi.ro 30 minutes Cookie
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE This cookie allows YouTube to check bandwidth usage. .youtube.com 6 months YouTube Cookie
YSC Register unique IDs and keep statistics on which videos users have viewed from YouTube. .youtube.com Session YouTube Cookie
Name Purpose Domain name Expiration time Provider Type
_gcl_au This cookie is set by Google Adsense for experiments with ‘cross-website’ advertising. .rafi.ro 3 months Google LLC Cookie
CONSENT Third party cookies. They provide certain features of Google and may store certain preferences according to usage patterns and personalize the ads that appear in Google searches. .youtube.com 2 years Google LLC Cookie
IDE Cookie from Double Click (Google) which helps us to analyze and optimize our advertising campaigns. .doubleclick.net a year DoubleClick (Google) Cookie
loc This cookie is set by Addthis. This is a geolocation cookie to understand where the users sharing the information are located. .addthis.com a year Cookie
uvc Cookie set by AddThis. These plug-ins allow you to set bookmarks or share interesting content with other users. The plug-ins allow you to interact with social networks and other users so that we can improve our services and make them more interesting for you as a user. .addthis.com a year Cookie
This cookie policy has been created and updated by CookieFirst.com.
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